

Domenico Mancuso
una versione indeterminista del paradosso di McTaggart

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1. IL CARATTERE PARADOSSALE DELLA SERIE A .................................................... 4
2. DALLA TEORIA DINAMICA ALL’IRREALTÀ DEL FUTURO ................................ 11
2.1. IL REGRESSO INFINITO DEI VALORI DI VERITÀ............................................... 14
3. UNO SCHEMA REGRESSIVO PER IL PASSATO........................................................ 21
3.1. IL PASSATO COME SPECCHIO DEL FUTURO........................................................ 24
3.2. LA MEMORIA: UNA RELAZIONE IMPOSSIBILE .................................................. 25

The purpose of this paper is to apply the logical structure of McTaggart’s paradox (more precisely, the step on the contradiction of the A-series) to the problem of socalled future contingents. After an overview and a short discussion of McTaggart’s argument, I will introduce the main issue of my work which concerns the truth-values of propositions on future events. Beginning with an alternative
between empty and non-empty values, I will construct an infinite regress modeled on McTaggart’s, and involving a sequence of nested propositions of growing complexity. I will then propose an Idealistic reading of such a regress, according to which future events are progressively acknowledged as mental anticipations belonging to the subject’s actual present; a symmetric argument for the past will also be worked out in a separate section. Finally, I will briefly examine some problems of internal consistency connected with my ‘timeless present’ thesis.

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