FONTE: Project Gutenberg's Etext
10,000 Dreams Interpreted

Inundation .[104]

To dream of seeing cities or country submerged in dark, seething waters, denotes great misfortune and loss of life through some dreadful calamity.

To see human beings swept away in an inundation, portends bereavements and despair, making life gloomy and unprofitable.

To see a large area inundated with clear water, denotes profit and ease after seemingly hopeless struggles with fortune.

[104] See Food.

Invalid .

To dream of invalids, is a sign of displeasing companions interfering with your interest. To think you are one, portends you are threatened with displeasing circumstances.

Invective .

To dream of using invectives, warns you of passionate outbursts of anger, which may estrange you from close companions.

To hear others using them, enemies are closing you in to apparent wrong and deceits.

Inventor .

To dream of an inventor, foretells you will soon achieve some unique work which will add honor to your name. To dream that you are inventing something, or feel interested in some invention, denotes you will aspire to fortune and will be successful in your designs.

Invite .

To dream that you invite persons to visit you, denotes that some unpleasant event is near, and will cause worry and excitement in your otherwise pleasant surroundings.

If you are invited to make a visit, you will receive sad news.

For a woman to dream that she is invited to attend a party, she will have pleasant anticipations, but ill luck will mar them.

Iron .

To dream of iron, is a harsh omen of distress.

To feel an iron weight bearing you down, signifies mental perplexities and material losses.

To strike with iron, denotes selfishness and cruelty to those dependent upon you.

To dream that you manufacture iron, denotes that you will use unjust means to accumulate wealth.

To sell iron, you will have doubtful success, and your friends will not be of noble character.

To see old, rusty iron, signifies poverty and disappointment.

To dream that the price of iron goes down, you will realize that fortune is a very unsafe factor in your life.

If iron advances, you will see a gleam of hope in a dark prospectus.

To see red-hot iron in your dreams, denotes failure for you by misapplied energy.

Ironing .

To dream of ironing, denotes domestic comforts and orderly business.

If a woman dreams that she burns her hands while ironing, it foretells she will have illness or jealousy to disturb her peace. If she scorches the clothes, she will have a rival who will cause her much displeasure and suspicions. If the irons seem too cold, she will lack affection in her home.

Island .

To dream that you are on an island in a clear stream, signifies pleasant journeys and fortunate enterprises. To a woman, this omens a happy marriage.

A barren island, indicates forfeiture of happiness and money through intemperance.

To see an island, denotes comfort and easy circumstances after much striving and worrying to meet honorable obligations.

To see people on an island, denotes a struggle to raise yourself higher in prominent circles.

Itch .

To see persons with the itch, and you endeavor to escape contact, you will stand in fear of distressing results when your endeavors will bring pleasant success.

If you dream you have the itch yourself, you will be harshly used, and will defend yourself by incriminating others. For a young woman to have this dream, omens she will fall into dissolute companionship.

To dream that you itch, denotes unpleasant avocations.

Ivory .

To dream of ivory, is favorable to the fortune of the dreamer.

To see huge pieces of ivory being carried, denotes financial success and pleasures unalloyed.

Ivy .

To dream of seeing ivy growing on trees or houses, predicts excellent health and increase of fortune. Innumerable joys will succeed this dream. To a young woman, it augurs many prized distinctions. If she sees ivy clinging to the wall in the moonlight, she will have clandestine meetings with young men.

Withered ivy, denotes broken engagements and sadness.


`` Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions .''-- Job vii, 14

Jackdaw .

To see a jackdaw, denotes ill health and quarrels. To catch one, you will outwit enemies.

To kill one, you will come into possession of disputed property.

Jail .[105]

To see others in jail, you will be urged to grant privileges to persons whom you believe to be unworthy

To see negroes in jail, denotes worries and loss through negligence of underlings.

For a young woman to dream that her lover is in jail, she will be disappointed in his character, as he will prove a deceiver.

[105] See Gaol. Jailer .

To see a jailer, denotes that treachery will embarrass your interests and evil women will enthrall you.

To see a mob attempting to break open a jail, is a forerunner of evil, and desperate measures will be used to extort money and bounties from you.

Jam .

To dream of eating jam, if pure, denotes pleasant surprises and journeys.

To dream of making jam, foretells to a woman a happy home and appreciative friends.

Janitor .

To dream of a janitor, denotes bad management and disobedient children. Unworthy servants will annoy you.

To look for a janitor and fail to find him, petty annoyances will disturb your otherwise placid existence. If you find him, you will have pleasant associations with strangers, and your affairs will have no hindrances.

January .

To dream of this month, denotes you will be afflicted with unloved companions or children.

Jar .

To dream of empty jars, denotes impoverishment and distress.

To see them full, you will be successful.

If you buy jars, your success will be precarious and your burden will be heavy.

To see broken jars, distressing sickness or deep disappointment awaits you.

Jasper .

To dream of seeing jasper, is a happy omen, bringing success and love. For a young woman to lose a jasper, is a sign of disagreement with her lover.

Jaundice .

To dream that you have the jaundice, denotes prosperity after temporary embarrassments.

To see others with jaundice, you will be worried with unpleasant companions and discouraging prospects.

Javelin .

To dream of defending yourself with a javelin, your most private affairs will be searched into to establish claims of dishonesty, and you will prove your innocence after much wrangling.

If you are pierced by a javelin, enemies will succeed in giving you trouble.

To see others carrying javelins, your interests are threatened.

Jaws .

To dream of seeing heavy, misshapen jaws, denotes disagreements, and ill feeling will be shown between friends.

If you dream that you are in the jaws of a wild beast, enemies will work injury to your affairs and happiness. This is a vexatious and perplexing dream.

If your own jaws ache with pain, you will be exposed to climatic changes, and malaria may cause you loss in health and finances.

Jay-bird .

To dream of a jay-bird, foretells pleasant visits from friends and interesting gossips.

To catch a jay-bird, denotes pleasant, though unfruitful, tasks.

To see a dead jay-bird, denotes domestic unhappiness and many vicissitudes.

Jealousy .

To dream that you are jealous of your wife, denotes the influence of enemies and narrow-minded persons. If jealous of your sweetheart, you will seek to displace a rival.

If a woman dreams that she is jealous of her husband, she will find many shocking incidents to vex and make her happiness a travesty.

If a young woman is jealous of her lover, she will find that he is more favorably impressed with the charms of some other woman than herself.

If men and women are jealous over common affairs, they will meet many unpleasant worries in the discharge of every-day business.

Jelly .

To dream of eating jelly, many pleasant interruptions will take place.

For a woman to dream of making jelly, signifies she will enjoy pleasant reunions with friends.

Jessamine .

To dream of jessamine, denotes you are approximating some exquisite pleasure, but which will be fleeting.

Jester .

To dream of a jester, foretells you will ignore important things in looking after silly affairs.

Jew .

To dream of being in company with a Jew, signifies untiring ambition and an irrepressible longing after wealth and high position, which will be realized to a very small extent.

To have transactions with a Jew, you will prosper legally in important affairs.

For a young woman to dream of a Jew, omens that she will mistake flattery for truth, and find that she is only a companion for pleasure.

For a man to dream of a Jewess, denotes that his desires run parallel with voluptuousness and easy comfort. He should constitute himself woman's defender.

For a Gentile to dream of Jews, signifies worldly cares and profit from dealing with them.

To argue with them, your reputation is endangered from a business standpoint.

Jewelry .

To dream of broken jewelry, denotes keen disappointment in attaining one's highest desires.

If the jewelry be cankered, trusted friends will fail you, and business cares will be on you.

Jewels .

To dream of jewels, denotes much pleasure and riches.

To wear them, brings rank and satisfied ambitions.

To see others wearing them, distinguished places will be held by you, or by some friend.

To dream of jeweled garments, betokens rare good fortune to the dreamer. Inheritance or speculation will raise him to high positions.

If you inherit jewelry, your prosperity will be unusual, but not entirely satisfactory.

To dream of giving jewelry away, warns you that some vital estate is threatening you.

For a young woman to dream that she receives jewelry, indicates much pleasure and a desirable marriage. To dream that she loses jewels, she will meet people who will flatter and deceive her.

To find jewels, denotes rapid and brilliant advancement in affairs of interest. To give jewels away, you will unconsciously work detriment to yourself.

To buy them, proves that you will be very successful in momentous affairs, especially those pertaining to the heart.

Jew's-harp .

To dream of a Jew's-harp, foretells you will experience a slight improvement in your affairs. To play one, is a sign that you will fall in love with a stranger.

Jig .

To dance a jig, denotes cheerful occupations and light pleasures.

To see negroes dancing a jig, foolish worries will offset pleasure.

To see your sweetheart dancing a jig, your companion will be possessed with a merry and hopeful disposition.

To see ballet girls dancing a jig, you will engage in undignified amusements and follow low desires.

Jockey .

To dream of a jockey, omens you will appreciate a gift from an unexpected source. For a young woman to dream that she associates with a jockey, or has one for a lover, indicates she will win a husband out of her station. To see one thrown from a horse, signifies you will be called on for aid by strangers.

Jolly .

To dream that you feel jolly and are enjoying the merriment of companions, you will realize pleasure from the good behavior of children and have satisfying results in business. If there comes the least rift in the merriment, worry will intermingle with the success of the future.

Journey .

To dream that you go on a journey, signifies profit or a disappointment, as the travels are pleasing and successful or as accidents and disagreeable events take active part in your journeying.

To see your friends start cheerfully on a journey, signifies delightful change and more harmonious companions than you have heretofore known. If you see them depart looking sad, it may be many moons before you see them again. Power and loss are implied.

To make a long-distance journey in a much shorter time than you expected, denotes you will accomplish some work in a surprisingly short time, which will be satisfactory in the way of reimbursement.

Journeyman .

To dream of a journeyman, denotes you are soon to lose money by useless travels. For a woman, this dream brings pleasant trips, though unexpected ones.

Joy .

To dream that you feel joy over any event, denotes harmony among friends.

Jubilee .

To dream of a jubilee, denotes many pleasureable enterprises in which you will be a participant. For a young woman, this is a favorable dream, pointing to matrimony and increase of temporal blessings.

To dream of a religious jubilee, denotes close but comfortable environments.

Judge .

To dream of coming before a judge, signifies that disputes will be settled by legal proceedings. Business or divorce cases may assume gigantic proportions. To have the case decided in your favor, denotes a successful termination to the suit; if decided against you, then you are the aggressor and you should seek to right injustice.

Judgment Day .

To dream of the judgment day, foretells that you will accomplish some well-planned work, if you appear resigned and hopeful of escaping punishment. Otherwise, your work will prove a failure.

For a young woman to appear before the judgment bar and hear the verdict of ``Guilty,'' denotes that she will cause much distress among her friends by her selfish and unbecoming conduct. If she sees the dead rising, and all the earth solemnly and fearfully awaiting the end, there will be much struggling for her, and her friends will refuse her aid. It is also a forerunner of unpleasant gossip, and scandal is threatened. Business may assume hopeless aspects.

Jug .

If you dream of jugs well filled with transparent liquids, your welfare is being considered by more than yourself. Many true friends will unite to please and profit you. If the jugs are empty, your conduct will estrange you from friends and station.

Broken jugs, indicate sickness and failures in employment.

If you drink wine from a jug, you will enjoy robust health and find pleasure in all circles. Optimistic views will possess you.

To take an unpleasant drink from a jug, disappointment and disgust will follow pleasant anticipations.

July .

To dream of this month, denotes you will be depressed with gloomy outlooks, but, as suddenly, your spirits will rebound to unimagined pleasure and good fortune.

Jumping .

If you dream of jumping over any object, you will succeed in every endeavor; but if you jump and fall back, disagreeable affairs will render life almost intolerable.

To jump down from a wall, denotes reckless speculations and disappointment in love.

Jumping-jack .

To dream of a jumping-jack, denotes that idleness and trivial pastimes will occupy your thoughts to the exclusion of serious and sustaining plans.

June .

To dream of June, foretells unusual gains in all undertakings.

For a woman to think that vegetation is decaying, or that a drouth is devastating the land, she will have sorrow and loss which will be lasting in its effects.

Juniper .

To dream of seeing a juniper tree, portends happiness and wealth out of sorrow and depressed conditions. For a young woman, this dreams omens a bright future after disappointing love affairs. To the sick, this is an augury of speedy recovery.

To eat, or gather, the berries of a juniper tree, foretells trouble and sickness.

Jury .

To dream that you are on the jury, denotes dissatisfaction with your employments, and you will seek to materially change your position.

If you are cleared from a charge by the jury, your business will be successful and affairs will move your way, but if you should be condemned, enemies will overpower you and harass you beyond endurance.

Justice .

To dream that you demand justice from a person, denotes that you are threatened with embarrassments through the false statements of people who are eager for your downfall.

If some one demands the same of you, you will find that your conduct and reputation are being assailed, and it will be extremely doubtful if you refute the charges satisfactorily.


`` In thoughts from the vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake .''-Job iv, 13-14.

Kaleidoscope .

Kaleidoscopes working before you in a dream, portend swift changes with little of favorable promise in them.

Kangaroo .

To see a kangaroo in your dreams, you will outwit a wily enemy who seeks to place you in an unfavorable position before the public and the person you are striving to win.

If a kangaroo attacks you, your reputation will be in jeopardy.

If you kill one, you will succeed in spite of enemies and obstacles.

To see a kangaroo's hide, denotes that you are in a fair way to success. Katydids .

To dream of hearing katydids, is a prognostic of misfortune and unusual dependence on others. If any sick person ask you what they are, foretells there will be surprising events in your present and future.

For a woman to see them, signifies she will have a quarrelsome husband or lover.

Keg .

To dream of a keg, denotes you will have a struggle to throw off oppression. Broken ones, indicate separation from family or friends.

Kettle .

To see kettles in your dream, denotes great and laborious work before you.

To see a kettle of boiling water, your struggles will soon end and a change will come to you.

To see a broken kettle, denotes failure after a mighty effort to work out a path to success.

For a young woman to dream of handling dark kettles, foretells disappointment in love and marriage; but a light-colored kettle brings to her absolute freedom from care, and her husband will be handsome and worthy.

Key .

To dream of keys, denotes unexpected changes.

If the keys are lost, unpleasant adventures will affect you.

To find keys, brings domestic peace and brisk turns to business.

Broken keys, portends separation either through death or jealousy.

For a young woman to dream of losing the key to any personal ornament, denotes she will have quarrels with her lover, and will suffer much disquiet therefrom. If she dreams of unlocking a door with a key, she will have a new lover and have over-confidence in him. If she locks a door with a key, she will be successful in selecting a husband. If she gives the key away, she will fail to use judgment in conversation and darken her own reputation.

Keyhole .

To dream that you spy upon others through a keyhole, you will damage some person by disclosing confidence. If you catch others peeping through a keyhole, you will have false friends delving into your private matters to advance themselves over you.

To dream that you cannot find the keyhole, you will unconsciously injure a friend.

Kid .

To dream of a kid, denotes you will not be over-scrupulous in your morals or pleasures. You will be likely to bring grief to some loving heart.

Kidneys .

To dream about your kidneys, foretells you are threatened with a serious illness, or there will be trouble in marriage relations for you.

If they act too freely, you will be a party to some racy intrigue. If they refuse to perform their work, there will be a sensation, and to your detriment. If you eat kidney-stew, some officious person will cause you disgust in some secret lover affair.

Killing .

To dream of killing a defenseless man, prognosticates sorrow and failure in affairs.

If you kill one in defense, or kill a ferocious beast, it denotes victory and a rise in position.

King .

To dream of a king, you are struggling with your might, and ambition is your master.

To dream that you are crowned king, you will rise above your comrades and co-workers.

If you are censured by a king, you will be reproved for a neglected duty.

For a young woman to be in the presence of a king, she will marry a man whom she will fear. To receive favors from a king, she will rise to exalted positions and be congenially wedded.

Kiss .

To dream that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work.

To dream that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends.

To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association.

To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements.

To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women.

To kiss a strange woman, denotes loose morals and perverted integrity.

To dream of kissing illicitly, denotes dangerous past-times. The indulgence of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well-thought-of homes.

To see your rival kiss your sweetheart, you are in danger of losing her esteem.

For married people to kiss each other, denotes that harmony is prized in the home life.

To dream of kissing a person on the neck, denotes passionate inclinations and weak mastery of self.

If you dream of kissing an enemy, you will make advance towards reconciliation with an angry friend.

For a young woman to dream that some person sees her kiss her lover, indicates that spiteful envy is entertained for her by a false friend. For her to see her lover kiss another, she will be disappointed in her hopes of marriage.

Kitchen .

To dream of a kitchen, denotes you will be forced to meet emergencies which will depress your spirits. For a woman to dream that her kitchen is clear. and orderly, foretells she will become the mistress of interesting fortunes.

Kite .

To dream of flying a kite, denotes a great show of wealth, or business, but with little true soundness to it all.

To see the kite thrown upon the ground, foretells disappointment and failure.

To dream of making a kite, you will speculate largely on small means and seek to win the one you love by misrepresentations.

To see children flying kites, denotes pleasant and light occupation. If the kite ascends beyond the vision high hopes and aspirations will resolve themselves into disappointments and loss.

Kitten .[106]

For a woman to dream of a beautiful fat, white kitten, omens artful deception will be practised upon her, which will almost ensnare her to destruction, but her good sense and judgment will prevail in warding off unfortunate complications. If the kittens are soiled, or colored and lean, she will be victimized into glaring indiscretions.

To dream of kittens, denotes abominable small troubles and vexations will pursue and work you loss, unless you kill the kitten, and then you will overcome these worries.

To see snakes kill kittens, you have enemies who in seeking to injure you will work harm to themselves.

[106] See Cats.

Knapsack .

To see a knapsack while dreaming, denotes you will find your greatest pleasure away from the associations of friends. For a woman to see an old dilapidated one, means poverty and disagreeableness for her.

Knee .

To dream that your knees are too large, denotes sudden ill luck for you. If they are stiff and pain you, swift and fearful calamity awaits you.

For a woman to dream that she has well-formed and smooth knees, predicts she will have many admirers, but none to woo her in wedlock.

If they are soiled, sickness from dissipation is portended. If they are unshapely, unhappy changes in her fortune will displace ardent hopes.

To dream of knees is an unfortunate omen.

Knife .

To dream of a knife is bad for the dreamer, as it portends separation and quarrels, and losses in affairs of a business character.

To see rusty knives, means dissatisfaction, and complaints of those in the home, and separation of lovers.

Sharp knives and highly polished, denotes worry. Foes are ever surrounding you.

Broken knives, denotes defeat whatever the pursuit, whether in love or business.

To dream that you are wounded with a knife, foretells domestic troubles, in which disobedient children will figure largely. To the unmarried, it denotes that disgrace may follow.

To dream that you stab another with a knife, denotes baseness of character, and you should strive to cultivate a higher sense of right.

Knife Grinder .

To dream of a knife grinder, foretells unwarrantable liberties will be taken with your possessions. For a woman, this omens unhappy unions and much drudgery.

Knitting .

For a woman to dream of knitting, denotes that she will possess a quiet and peaceful home, where a loving companion and dutiful children delight to give pleasure.

For a man to be in a kniting-mill, indicates thrift and a solid rise in prospects.

For a young woman to dream of knitting, is an omen of a hasty but propitious marriage.

For a young woman to dream that she works in a knitting-mill, denotes that she will have a worthy and loyal lover. To see the mill in which she works dilapidated, she will meet with reverses in fortune and love.

Knocker .

To dream of using a knocker, foretells you will be forced to ask aid and counsel of others.

Knocking .

To hear knocking in your dreams, denotes that tidings of a grave nature will soon be received by you. If you are awakened by the knocking, the news will affect you the more seriously.

Knots .

To dream of seeing knots, denotes much worry over the most trifling affairs. If your sweetheart notices another, you will immediately find cause to censure him.

To tie a knot, signifies an independent nature, and you will refuse to be nagged by ill-disposed lover or friend.

Krishna .

To see Krishna in your dreams, denotes that your greatest joy will be in pursuit of occult knowledge, and you will school yourself to the taunts of friends, and cultivate a philosophical bearing toward life and sorrow.


`` And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it to his brethren, and said, `Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me .' ''--Gen. xxxvii, 9.

Label .

To dream of a label, foretells you will let an enemy see the inside of your private affairs, and will suffer from the negligence.

Labor .

To dream that you watch domestic animals laboring under heavy burdens, denotes that you will be prosperous, but unjust to your servants, or those employed by you.

To see men toiling, signifies profitable work, and robust health. To labor yourself, denotes favorable outlook for any new enterprise, and bountiful crops if the dreamer is interested in farming.

Laboratory .

To dream of being in a laboratory, denotes great energies wasted in unfruitful enterprises when you might succeed in some more practical business.

If you think yourself an alchemist, and try to discover a process to turn other things into gold, you will entertain far-reaching and interesting projects, but you will fail to reach the apex of your ambition. Wealth will prove a myth, and the woman you love will hold a false position towards you.

Labyrinth .

If you dream of a labyrinth, you will find yourself entangled in intricate and perplexing business conditions, and your wife will make the home environment intolerable; children and sweethearts will prove ill-tempered and unattractive.

If you are in a labyrinth of night or darkness, it foretells passing, but agonizing sickness and trouble.

A labyrinth of green vines and timbers, denotes unexpected happiness from what was seemingly a cause for loss and despair.

In a network, or labyrinth of railroads, assures you of long and tedious journeys. Interesting people will be met, but no financial success will aid you on these journeys.

Lace .

See to it, if you are a lover, that your sweetheart wears lace, as this dream brings fidelity in love and a rise in position.

If a woman dreams of lace, she will be happy in the realization of her most ambitious desires, and lovers will bow to her edict. No questioning or imperiousness on their part.

If you buy lace, you will conduct an expensive establishment, but wealth will be a solid friend.

If you sell laces, your desires will outrun your resources.

For a young girl to dream of making lace, forecasts that she will win a handsome, wealthy husband. If she dreams of garnishing her wedding garments with lace, she will be favored with lovers who will bow to her charms, but the wedding will be far removed from her.

Ladder .[107]

To dream of a ladder being raised for you to ascend to some height, your energetic and nervy qualifications will raise you into prominence in business affairs.

To ascend a ladder, means prosperity and unstinted happiness.

To fall from one, denotes despondency and unsuccessful transactions to the tradesman, and blasted crops to the farmer.

To see a broken ladder, betokens failure in every instance.

To descend a ladder, is disappointment in business, and unrequited desires.

To escape from captivity, or confinement, by means of a ladder, you will be successful, though many perilous paths may intervene.

To grow dizzy as you ascend a ladder, denotes that you will not wear new honors serenely. You are likely to become haughty and domineering in your newly acquired position.

[107] See Hill, Ascend, or Fall.

Ladle .

To see a ladle in your dreams, denotes you will be fortunate in the selection of a companion. Children will prove sources of happiness.

If the ladle is broken or uncleanly, you will have a grievous loss.

Lagoon .

To dream of a lagoon, denotes that you will be drawn into a whirlpool of doubt and confusion through misapplication of your intelligence.

Lake .

For a young woman to dream that she is alone on a turbulent and muddy lake, foretells many vicissitudes are approaching her, and she will regret former extravagances, and disregard of virtuous teaching.

If the water gets into the boat, but by intense struggling she reaches the boat-house safely, it denotes she will be under wrong persuasion, but will eventually overcome it, and rise to honor and distinction.

It may predict the illness of some one near her.

If she sees a young couple in the same position as herself, who succeed in rescuing themselves, she will find that some friend has committed indiscretions, but will succeed in reinstating himself in her favor.

To dream of sailing on a clear and smooth lake, with happy and congenial companions, you will have much happiness, and wealth will meet your demands.

A muddy lake, surrounded with bleak rocks and bare trees, denotes unhappy terminations to business and affection.

A muddy lake, surrounded by green trees, portends that the moral in your nature will fortify itself against passionate desires, and overcoming the same will direct your energy into a safe and remunerative channel. If the lake be clear and surrounded by barrenness, a profitable existence will be marred by immoral and passionate dissipation.

To see yourself reflected in a clear lake, denotes coming joys and many ardent friends.

To see foliaged trees reflected in the lake, you will enjoy to a satiety Love's draught of passion and happiness.

To see slimy and uncanny inhabitants of the lake rise up and menace you, denotes failure and ill health from squandering time, energy and health on illicit pleasures. You will drain the utmost drop of happiness, and drink deeply of Remorse's bitter concoction.

Lamb .[108]

To dream of lambs frolicing{sic} in green pastures, betokens chaste friendships and joys. Bounteous and profitable crops to the farmers, and increase of possessions for others.

To see a dead lamb, signifies sadness and desolation.

Blood showing on the white fleece of a lamb, denotes that innocent ones will suffer from betrayal through the wrong doing of others.

A lost lamb, denotes that wayward people will be under your influence, and you should be careful of your conduct.

To see lamb skins, denotes comfort and pleasure usurped from others.

To slaughter a lamb for domestic uses, prosperity will be gained through the sacrifice of pleasure and contentment.

To eat lamb chops, denotes illness, and much anxiety over the welfare of children.

To see lambs taking nourishment from their mothers, denotes happiness through pleasant and intelligent home companions, and many lovable and beautiful children.

To dream that dogs, or wolves devour lambs, innocent people will suffer at the hands of insinuating and designing villains.

To hear the bleating of lambs, your generosity will be appealed to.

To see them in a winter storm, or rain, denotes disappointment in expected enjoyment and betterment of fortune.

To own lambs in your dreams, signifies that your environments will be pleasant and profitable.

If you carry lambs in your arms, you will be encumbered with happy cares upon which you will lavish a wealth of devotion, and no expense will be regretted in responding to appeals from the objects of your affection.

To shear lambs, shows that you will be cold and mercenary. You will be honest, but inhumane.

For a woman to dream that she is peeling the skin from a lamb, and while doing so, she discovers that it is her child, denotes that she will cause others sorrow which will also rebound to her grief and loss.

``Fair prototype of innocence, Sleep upon thy emerald bed, No coming evil vents A shade above thy head.''

[108] See Sheep.

Lame .[109]

For a woman to dream of seeing any one lame, foretells that her pleasures and hopes will be unfruitful and disappointing.

[109] See Cripple.

Lament .

To dream that you bitterly lament the loss of friends, or property, signifies great struggles and much distress, from which will spring causes for joy and personal gain.

To lament the loss of relatives, denotes sickness or disappointments, which will bring you into closer harmony with companions, and will result in brighter prospects for the future.

Lamp .

To see lamps filled with oil, denotes the demonstration of business activity, from which you will receive gratifying results.

Empty lamps, represent depression and despondency.

To see lighted lamps burning with a clear flame, indicates merited rise in fortune and domestic bliss. If they give out a dull, misty radiance, you will have jealousy and envy, coupled with suspicion, to combat, in which you will be much pleased to find the right person to attack.

To drop a lighted lamp, your plans and hopes will abruptly turn into failure.

If it explodes, former friends will unite with enemies in damaging your interests.

Broken lamps, indicate the death of relatives or friends.

To light a lamp, denotes that you will soon make a change in your affairs, which will lead to profit.

To carry a lamp, portends that you will be independent and self-sustaining, preferring your own convictions above others. If the light fails, you will meet with unfortunate conclusions, and perhaps the death of friends or relatives.

If you are much affrighted, and throw a bewildering light from your window, enemies will ensnare you with professions of friendship and interest in your achievements.

To ignite your apparel from a lamp, you will sustain humiliation from sources from which you expected encouragement and sympathy, and your business will not be fraught with much good.

Lamp-post .

To see a lamp-post in your dreams, some stranger will prove your staunchiest friend in time of pressing need.

To fall against a lamp-post, you will have deception to overcome, or enemies will ensnare you.

To see a lamp-post across your path, you will have much adversity in your life.

Lance .

To dream of a lance, denotes formidable enemies and injurious experiments.

To be wounded by a lance, error of judgment will cause you annoyance.

To break a lance, denotes seeming impossibilities will be overcome and your desires will be fulfilled.

Land .[110]

To dream of land, when it appears fertile, omens good; but if sterile and rocky, failure and dispondency is prognosticated.

To see land from the ocean, denotes that vast avenues of prosperity and happiness will disclose themselves to you.

Landau .

To dream that you ride in a landau, with your friend or sweetheart, denotes that incidents of a light, but pleasant character will pass in rapid succession through your life.

If the vehicle is overturned, then pleasure will abruptly turn into woe.

[110] See Fields ant Earth.

Lantern .

To dream of seeing a lantern going before you in the darkness, signifies unexpected affluence. If the lantern is suddenly lost to view, then your success will take an unfavorable turn.

To carry a lantern in your dreams, denotes that your benevolence will win you many friends. If it goes out, you fail to gain the prominence you wish. If you stumble and break it, you will seek to aid others, and in so doing lose your own station, or be disappointed in some undertaking.

To clean a lantern, signifies great possibilities are open to you.

To lose a lantern, means business depression, and disquiet in the home.

If you buy a lantern, it signifies fortunate deals.

For a young woman to dream that she lights her lover's lantern, foretells for her a worthy man, and a comfortable home. If she blows it out, by her own imprudence she will lose a chance of getting married.

Lap .

To dream of sitting on some person's lap, denotes pleasant security from vexing engagements. If a young woman dreams that she is holding a person on her lap, she will be exposed to unfavorable criticism.

To see a serpent in her lap, foretells she is threatened with humiliation at the hands of enemies. If she sees a cat in her lap, she will be endangered by a seductive enemy.

Lap-dog .

To dream of a lap-dog, foretells you will be succored by friends in some approaching dilemma If it be thin and ill-looking, there will be distressing occurrences to detract from your prospects.

Lap-robe .

To dream of a lap-robe, indicates suspicious engagements will place you under the surveillance of enemies or friends.

To lose one, your actions will be condemned by enemies to injure your affairs.

Lard .

To dream of lard, signifies a rise in fortune will soon gratify you. For a woman to find her hand in melted lard, foretells her disappointment in attempting to rise in social circles.

Lark .

To see larks flying, denotes high aims and purposes through the attainment of which you will throw off selfishness and cultivate kindly graces of mind.

To hear them singing as they fly, you will be very happy in a new change of abode, and business will flourish.

To see them fall to the earth and singing as they fall, despairing gloom will overtake you in pleasure's bewildering delights.

A wounded or dead lark, portends sadness or death.

To kill a lark, portends injury to innocence through wantonness.

If they fly around and light on you, Fortune will turn her promising countenance towards you.

To catch them in traps, you will win honor and love easily.

To see them eating, denotes a plentiful harvest.

Latch .

To dream of a latch, denotes you will meet urgent appeals for aid, to which you will respond unkindly. To see a broken latch, foretells disagreements with your dearest friend. Sickness is also foretold in this dream.

Latin .

To dream of studying this language, denotes victory and distinction in your efforts to sustain your opinion on subjects of grave interest to the public welfare.

Laudanum .

To dream that you take laudanum, signifies weakness of your own; and that you will have a tendency to be unduly influenced by others. You should cultivate determination.

To prevent others from taking this drug, indicates that you will be the means of conveying great joy and good to people.

To see your lover taking laudanum through disappointment, signifies unhappy affairs and the loss of a friend.

To give it, slight ailments will attack some member of your domestic circle.

Laughing .

To dream that you laugh and feel cheerful, means success in your undertakings, and bright companions socially.

Laughing immoderately at some weird object, denotes disappointment and lack of harmony in your surroundings.

To hear the happy laughter of children, means joy and health to the dreamer.

To laugh at the discomfiture of others, denotes that you will wilfully injure your friends to gratify your own selfish desires.

To hear mocking laughter, denotes illness and disappointing affairs.

Laundry .

To dream of laundering clothes, denotes struggles, but a final victory in winning fortune. If the clothes are done satisfactorily, then your endeavors will bring complete happiness. If they come out the reverse, your fortune will fail to procure pleasure.

To see pretty girls at this work, you will seek pleasure out of your rank.

If a laundryman calls at your house, you are in danger of sickness, or of losing something very valuable.

To see laundry wagons, portends rivalry and contention.

Laurel .

Dreaming of the laurel, brings success and fame. You will acquire new possessions in love. Enterprises will be laden with gain.

For a young woman to wreath laurel about her lover's head, denotes that she will have a faithful man, and one of fame to woo her.

Law and Lawsuits .[111]

To dream of engaging in a lawsuit, warns you of enemies who are poisoning public opinion against you. If you know that the suit is dishonest on your part, you will seek to dispossess true owners for your own advancement.

If a young man is studying law, he will make rapid rise in any chosen profession.

For a woman to dream that she engages in a law suit, means she will be calumniated, and find enemies among friends.

[111] See Judge and Jury.

Lawns .

To dream of walking upon well-kept lawns, denotes occasions for joy and great prosperity.

To join a merry party upon a lawn, denotes many secular amusements, and business engagements will be successfully carried on.

For a young woman to wait upon a green lawn for the coming of a friend or lover, denotes that her most ardent wishes concerning wealth and marriage will be gratified. If the grass be dead and the lawn marshy, quarrels and separation may be expected.

To see serpents crawling in the grass before you, betrayal and cruel insinuations will fill you with despair.

Lawyer .[112]

For a young woman to dream that she is connected in any way with a lawyer, foretells that she will unwittingly commit indiscretions, which will subject her to unfavorable and mortifying criticism.

[112] See Attorney.

Lazy .

To dream of feeling lazy, or acting so, denotes you will make a mistake in the formation of enterprises, and will suffer keen disappointment.

For a young woman to think her lover is lazy, foretells she will have bad luck in securing admiration. Her actions will discourage men who mean marriage.

Lead .

To dream of lead, foretells poor success in any engagement.

A lead mine, indicates that your friends will look with suspicion on your money making. Your sweetheart will surprise you with her deceit and ill temper.

To dream of lead ore, foretells distress and accidents. Business will assume a gloomy cast.

To hunt for lead, denotes discontentment, and a constant changing of employment.

To melt lead, foretells that by impatience you will bring failure upon yourself and others.

Leaking .

To dream of seeing a leak in anything, is usually significant of loss and vexations.

Leaping .[113]

For a young woman to dream of leaping over an obstruction, denotes that she will gain her desires after much struggling and opposition.

[113] See Jumping.

Learning .

To dream of learning, denotes that you will take great interest in acquiring knowledge, and if you are economical of your time, you will advance far into the literary world.

To enter halls, or places of learning, denotes rise from obscurity, and finance will be a congenial adherent.

To see learned men, foretells that your companions will be interesting and prominent.

For a woman to dream that she is associated in any way with learned people, she will be ambitious and excel in her endeavors to rise into prominence.

Leather .

To dream of leather, denotes successful business and favorable engagements with women. You will go into lucky speculations if you dream that you are dressed in leather.

Ornaments of leather, denotes faithfulness in love and to the home.

Piles of leather, denotes fortune and happiness.

To deal in leather, signifies no change in the disposition of your engagements is necessary for successful accumulation of wealth.

Leaves .

To dream of leaves, denotes happiness and wonderful improvement in your business.

Withered leaves, indicate false hopes and gloomy forebodings will harass your spirit into a whirlpool of despondency and loss.

If a young woman dreams of withered leaves, she will be left lonely on the road to conjugality. Death is sometimes implied.

If the leaves are green and fresh, she will come into a legacy and marry a wealthy and prepossessing husband.

Ledger .

To dream of keeping a ledger, you will have perplexities and disappointing conditions to combat.

To dream that you make wrong entries on your ledger, you will have small disputes and a slight loss will befall you.

To put a ledger into a safe, you will be able to protect your rights under adverse circumstances.

To get your ledger misplaced, your interests will go awry through neglect of duty.

To dream that your ledger gets destroyed by fire, you will suffer through the carelessness of friends.

To dream that you have a woman to keep your ledger, you will lose money trying to combine pleasure with business.

For a young woman to dream of ledgers, denotes she will have a solid business man to make her a proposal of marriage.

To dream that your ledger has worthless accounts, denotes bad management and losses; but if the accounts are good, then your business will assume improved conditions.

Leeches .

To dream of leeches, foretells that enemies will run over your interests.

If they are applied to you for medicinal purposes, you will have a serious illness tn your family (if you escape yourself).

To see them applied to others, denotes sickness or trouble to friends.

If they should bite you, there is danger for you in unexpected places, and you should heed well this warning.

Leeward .

To dream of sailing leeward, denotes to the sailor a prosperous and merry voyage. To others, a pleasant journey.

Legerdemain .

To dream of practising legerdemain, or seeing others doing so, signifies you will be placed in a position where your energy and power of planning will be called into strenuous play to extricate yourself.

Legislature .

To dream that you are a member of a legislature, foretells you will be vain of your possessions and will treat members of your family unkindly. You will have no real advancement.

Legs .

If you dream of admiring well-shaped feminine legs, you will lose your judgment, and act very silly over some fair charmer.

To see misshapen legs, denotes unprofitable occupations and ill-tempered comrades.

A wounded leg, foretells losses and agonizing attacks of malaria.

To dream that you have a wooden leg, denotes that you will bemean yourself in a false way to your friends.

If ulcers are on your legs, it signifies a drain on your income to aid others.

To dream that you have three, or more, legs, indicates that more enterprises are planned in your imagination than will ever benefit you.

If you can't use your legs, it portends poverty.

To have a leg amputated, you will lose valued friends, and the home influence will render life unbearable.

For a young woman to admire her own legs, denotes vanity, and she will be repulsed by the man she admires. If she has hairy legs, she will dominate her husband.

If your own legs are clean and well shaped, it denotes a happy future and devoted friends.

Lemonade .

If you drink lemonade in a dream, you will concur with others in signifying some entertainment as a niggardly device to raise funds for the personal enjoyment of others at your expense.

Lemons .

To dream of seeing lemons on their native trees among rich foliage, denotes jealousy toward some beloved object, but demonstrations will convince you of the absurdity of the charge.

To eat lemons, foretells humiliation and disappointments.

Green lemons, denotes sickness and contagion.

To see shriveled lemons, denotes divorce, if married, and separation, to lovers.

Lending .

To dream that you are lending money, foretells difficulties in meeting payments of debts and unpleasant influence in private.

To lend other articles, denotes impoverishment through generosity.

To refuse to lend things, you will be awake to your interests and keep the respect of friends.

For others to offer to lend you articles, or money, denotes prosperity and close friendships.

Lentil .

If you dream of lentils, it denotes quarrels and unhealthy surroundings. For a young woman, this dream portends dissatisfaction with her lover, but parental advice will cause her to accept the inevitable.

Leopard .

To dream of a leopard attacking you, denotes that while the future seemingly promises fair, success holds many difficulties through misplaced confidence.

To kill one, intimates victory in your affairs.

To see one caged, denotes that enemies will surround but fail to injure you.

To see leopards in their native place trying to escape from you, denotes that you will be embarrassed in business or love, but by persistent efforts you will overcome difficulties.

To dream of a leopard's skin, denotes that your interests will be endangered by a dishonest person who will win your esteem.

Leprosy .

To dream that you are infected with this dread disease, foretells sickness, by which you will lose money and incur the displeasure of others.

If you see others afflicted thus, you will meet discouraging prospects and love will turn into indifference.

Letter .

To dream that you see a registered letter, foretells that some money matters will disrupt long-established relations.

For a young woman to dream that she receives such a letter, intimates that she will be offered a competency, but it will not be on strictly legal, or moral grounds; others may play towards her a dishonorable part.

To the lover, this bears heavy presentments of disagreeable mating. His sweetheart will covet other gifts than his own.

To dream of an anonymous letter, denotes that you will receive injury from an unsuspected source.

To write one, foretells that you will be jealous of a rival, whom you admit to be your superior.

To dream of getting letters bearing unpleasant news, denotes difficulties or illness. If the news is of a joyous character, you will have many things to be thankful for. If the letter is affectionate, but is written on green, or colored, paper, you will be slighted in love and business. Despondency will envelop you. Blue ink, denotes constancy and affection, also bright fortune.

Red colors in a letter, imply estrangements through suspicion and jealousy, but this may be overcome by wise maneuvering of the suspected party.

If a young woman dreams that she receives a letter from her lover and places it near her heart, she will be worried very much by a good-looking rival. Truthfulness is often rewarded with jealousy.

If you fail to read the letter, you will lose something either in a business or social way.

Letters nearly always bring worry.

To have your letter intercepted, rival enemies are working to defame you.

To dream of trying to conceal a letter from your sweetheart or wife, intimates that you are interested in unworthy occupations.

To dream of a letter with a black border, signifies distress and the death of some relative.

To receive a letter written on black paper with white ink, denotes that gloom and disappointment will assail you, and friendly interposition will render small relief. If the letter passes between husband and wife, it means separation under sensational charges. If lovers, look for quarrels and threats of suicide. To business people, it denotes enviousness and covetousness.

To dream that you write a letter, denotes that you will be hasty in condemning some one on suspicion, and regrets will follow.

A torn letter, indicates that hopeless mistakes may ruin your reputation.

To receive a letter by hand, denotes that you are acting ungenerously towards your companions or sweetheart, and you also are not upright in your dealings.

To dream often of receiving a letter from a friend, foretells his arrival, or you will hear from him by letter or otherwise.

Letter-carrier .

If you dream of a letter-carrier coming with your letters, you will soon receive news of an unwelcome and an unpleasant character.

To hear his whistle, denotes the unexpected arrival of a visitor.

If he passes without your mail, disappointment and sadness will befall you.

If you give him letters to mail, you will suffer injury through envy or jealousy.

To converse with a letter-carrier, you will implicate yourself in some scandalous proceedings.

Letter-file .

To see a letter-file in your dreams, is significant of important news, which will cause you an irksome journey. For a woman, this dream implies distressful news and unfaithful friends.

Lettuce .

To see lettuce growing green and thrifty, denotes that you will enjoy some greatly desired good, after an unimportant embarrassment.

If you eat lettuce, illness will separate you from your lover or companion, or perhaps it may be petty jealousy.

For a woman to dream of sowing lettuce, portends she will be the cause of her own early sickness or death.

To gather it, denotes your superabundant sensitiveness, and that your jealous disposition will cause you unmitigated distress and pain.

To buy lettuce, denotes that you will court your own downfall.

Liar .

To dream of thinking people are liars, foretells you will lose faith in some scheme which you had urgently put forward. For some one to call you a liar, means you will have vexations through deceitful persons.

For a woman to think her sweetheart a liar, warns her that her unbecoming conduct is likely to lose her a valued friend.

Library .

To dream that you are in a library, denotes that you will grow discontented with your environments and associations and seek companionship in study and the exploration of ancient customs.

To find yourself in a library for other purpose than study, foretells that your conduct will deceive your friends, and where you would have them believe that you had literary aspirations, you will find illicit assignations.

Lice .

A dream of lice contains much waking worry and distress. It often implies offensive ailments.

Lice on stock, foretells famine and loss.

To have lice on your body, denotes that you will conduct yourself unpleasantly with your acquaintances.

To dream of catching lice, foretells sickness, and that you will cultivate morbidity.

License .

To dream of a license, is an omen of disputes and loss. Married women will exasperate your cheerfulness. For a woman to see a marriage license, foretells that she will soon enter unpleasant bonds, which will humiliate her pride.

Life-boat .

To dream of being in a life-boat, denotes escape from threatened evil.

To see a life-boat sinking, friends will contribute to your distress.

To be lost in a life-boat, you will be overcome with trouble, in which your friends will be included to some extent. If you are saved, you will escape a great calamity.

Life-insurance Man .

To see life-insurance men in a dream, means that you are soon to meet a stranger who will contribute to your business interests, and change in your home life is foreshadowed, as interests will be mutual.

If they appear distorted or unnatural, the dream is more unfortunate than good.

Light .

If you dream of light, success will attend you. To dream of weird light, or if the light goes out, you will be disagreeably surprised by some undertaking resulting in nothing.

To see a dim light, indicates partial success.

Lighthouse .

If you see a lighthouse through a storm, difficulties and grief will assail you, but they will disperse before prosperity and happiness.

To see a lighthouse from a placid sea, denotes calm joys and congenial friends.

Lightning .

Lightning in your dreams, foreshadows happiness and prosperity of short duration.

If the lightning strikes some object near you, and you feel the shock, you will be damaged by the good fortune of a friend, or you may be worried by gossipers and scandalmongers.

To see livid lightning parting black clouds, sorrow and difficulties will follow close on to fortune.

If it strikes you, unexpected sorrows will overwhelm you in business or love.

To see the lightning above your head, heralds the advent of joy and gain.

To see lightning in the south, fortune will hide herself from you for awhile.

If in the southwest, luck will come your way. In the west, your prospects will be brighter than formally. In the north, obstacles will have to be removed before your prospects will brighten up. If in the east, you will easily win favors and fortune. Lightning from dark and ominous-looking clouds, is always a forerunner of threats, of loss and of disappointments. Business men should stay close to business, and women near their husbands or mothers; children and the sick should be looked after closely.

Lightning-rod .

To see a lightning-rod, denotes that threatened destruction to some cherished work will confront you. To see one change into a serpent, foretells enemies will succeed in their schemes against you. If the lightning strikes one, there will be an accident or sudden news to give you sorrow.

If you are having one put up, it is a warning to beware how you begin a new enterprise, as you will likely be overtaken by disappointment.

To have them taken down, you will change your plans and thereby further your interests. To see many lightning rods, indicates a variety of misfortunes.

Lily .

To dream of a lily, denotes much chastisement through illness and death. To see lilies growing with their rich foliage, denotes early marriage to the young and subsequent separation through death.

To see little children among the flowers, indicates sickness and fragile constitutions to these little ones.

For a young woman to dream of admiring, or gathering, lilies, denotes much sadness coupled with joy, as the one she loves will have great physical suffering, if not an early dissolution. If she sees them withered, sorrow is even nearer than she could have suspected.

To dream that you breathe the fragrance of lilies, denotes that sorrow will purify and enhance your mental qualities.

Lime .

To dream of lime, foretells that disaster will prostrate you for a time, but you will revive to greater and richer prosperity than before.

Lime-kiln .

To dream of a lime-kiln, foretells the immediate future holds no favor for speculations in love or business

Limes .

To dream of eating limes, foretells continued sickness and adverse straits.

Limp .[114]

To dream that you limp in your walk, denotes that a small worry will unexpectedly confront you, detracting much from your enjoyment.

To see others limping, signifies that you will be naturally offended at the conduct of a friend. Small failures attend this dream.

[114] See Cripple and Lamed.

Linen .

To see linen in your dream, augurs prosperity and enjoyment.

If a person appears to you dressed in linen garments, you will shortly be the recipient of joyful tidings in the nature of an inheritance.

If you are apparelled in clean, fine linen, your fortune and fullest enjoyment in life is assured. If it be soiled, sorrow and ill luck will be met with occasionally, mingled with the good in your life.

Linseed Oil .

To see linseed oil in your dreams, denotes your impetuous extravagance will be checked by the kindly interference of a friend.

Lion .

To dream of a lion, signifies that a great force is driving you.

If you subdue the lion, you will be victorious in any engagement.

If it overpowers you, then you will be open to the successful attacks of enemies.

To see caged lions, denotes that your success depends upon your ability to cope with opposition.

To see a man controlling a lion in its cage, or out denotes success in business and great mental power. You will be favorably regarded by women.

To see young lions, denotes new enterprises, which will bring success if properly attended.

For a young woman to dream of young lions, denotes new and fascinating lovers.

For a woman to dream that she sees Daniel in the lions' den, signifies that by her intellectual qualifications and personal magnetism she will win fortune and lovers to her highest desire.

To hear the roar of a lion, signifies unexpected advancement and preferment with women.

To see a lion's head over you, showing his teeth by snarls, you are threatened with defeat in your upward rise to power.

To see a lion's skin, denotes a rise to fortune and happiness.

To ride one, denotes courage and persistency in surmounting difficulties.

To dream you are defending your children from a lion with a pen-knife, foretells enemies will threaten to overpower you, and will well nigh succeed if you allow any artfulness to persuade you for a moment from duty and business obligations.

Lips .

To dream of thick, unsightly lips, signifies disagreeable encounters, hasty decision, and ill temper in the marriage relation.

Full, sweet, cherry lips, indicates harmony and affluence. To a lover, it augurs reciprocation in love, and fidelity.

Thin lips, signifies mastery of the most intricate subjects.

Sore, or swollen lips, denotes privations and unhealthful desires.

Liquor .

To dream of buying liquor, denotes selfish usurpation of property upon which you have no legal claim If you sell it, you will be criticised for niggardly benevolence.

To drink some, you will come into doubtful possession of wealth, but your generosity will draw around you convivial friends, and women will seek to entrance and hold you.

To see liquor in barrels, denotes prosperity, but unfavorable tendency toward making home pleasant.

If in bottles, fortune will appear in a very tangible form.

For a woman to dream of handling, or drinking liquor, foretells for her a happy Bohemian kind of existence. She will be good natured but shallow minded. To treat others, she will be generous to rivals, and the indifference of lovers or husband will not seriously offset her pleasures or contentment.

Liver .

To dream of a disordered liver, denotes a querulous person will be your mate, and fault-finding will occupy her time, and disquiet will fill your hours.

To dream of eating liver, indicates that some deceitful person has installed himself in the affection of your sweetheart.

Lizard .

To dream of lizards, foretells attacks upon you by enemies.

If you kill a lizard, you will regain your lost reputation or fortune; but if it should escape, you will meet vexations and crosses in love and business.

For a woman to dream that a lizard crawls up her skirt, or scratches her, she will have much misfortune and sorrow. Her husband will be a victim to invalidism and she will be left a widow, and little sustenance will be eked out by her own labors.

Load .

To dream that you carry a load, signifies a long existence filled with labors of love and charity.

To fall under a load, denotes your inability to attain comforts that are necessary to those looking to you for subsistence.

To see others thus engaged, denotes trials for them in which you will be interested.

Loadstone .

To dream of a loadstone, denotes you will make favorable opportunities for your own advancement in a material way. For a young woman to think a loadstone is attracting her, is an omen of happy changes in her family.

Loaves .

To dream of loaves of bread, denotes frugality. If they be of cake, the dreamer has cause to rejoice over his good fortune, as love and wealth will wait obsequiously upon you.

Broken loaves, bring discontent and bickerings between those who love.

To see loaves multiply phenomenally, prognosticates great success. Lovers will be happy in their chosen ones.

Lobster .

To dream of seeing lobsters, denotes great favors, and riches will endow you.

If you eat them, you will sustain contamination by associating too freely with pleasure-seeking people.

If the lobsters are made into a salad, success will not change your generous nature, but you will enjoy to the fullest your ideas of pleasure.

To order a lobster, you will hold prominent positions and command many subordinates.

Lock .

To dream of a lock, denotes bewilderment. If the lock works at your command, or efforts, you will discover that some person is working you injury. If you are in love, you will find means to aid you in overcoming a rival; you will also make a prosperous journey.

If the lock resists your efforts, you will be derided and scorned in love and perilous voyages will bring to you no benefit.

To put a lock upon your fiance'e's neck and arm, foretells that you are distrustful of her fidelity, but future episodes will disabuse your mind of doubt.

Locket .

If a young woman dreams that her lover places a locket around her neck, she will be the recipient of many beautiful offerings, and will soon be wedded, and lovely children will crown her life. If she should lose a locket, death will throw sadness into her life.

If a lover dreams that his sweetheart returns his locket, he will confront disappointing issues. The woman he loves will worry him and conduct herself in a displeasing way toward him.

If a woman dreams that she breaks a locket, she will have a changeable and unstable husband, who will dislike constancy in any form, be it business or affection,

Lockjaw .

To dream that you have lockjaw, signifies there is trouble ahead for you, as some person is going to betray your confidence. For a woman to see others with lockjaw, foretells her friends will unconsciously detract from her happiness by assigning her unpleasant tasks. If stock have it, you will lose a friend.

Locomotive .

To dream of a locomotive running with great speed, denotes a rapid rise in fortune, and foreign travel. If it is disabled, then many vexations will interfere with business affairs, and anticipated journeys will be laid aside through the want of means.

To see one completely demolished, signifies great distress and loss of property.

To hear one coming, denotes news of a foreign nature. Business will assume changes that will mean success to all classes.

To hear it whistle, you will be pleased and surprised at the appearance of a friend who has been absent, or an unexpected offer, which means preferment to you.

Locust .

To dream of locusts, foretells discrepancies will be found in your business, for which you will worry and suffer. For a woman, this dream foretells she will bestow her affections upon ungenerous people.

Lodger .

For a woman to dream that she has lodgers, foretells she will be burdened with unpleasant secrets. If one goes away without paying his bills, she will have unexpected trouble with men. For one to pay his bill, omens favor and accumulation of money.

Looking-glass .[115]

For a woman to dream of a looking-glass, denotes that she is soon to be confronted with shocking deceitfulness and discrepancies, which may result in tragic scenes or separations.

[115] See Mirror.

Loom .

To dream of standing by and seeing a loom operated by a stranger, denotes much vexation and useless irritation from the talkativeness of those about you. Some disappointment with happy expectations are coupled with this dream.

To see good-looking women attending the loom, denotes unqualified success to those in love. It predicts congenial pursuits to the married. It denotes you are drawing closer together in taste.

For a woman to dream of weaving on an oldtime loom, signifies that she will have a thrifty husband and beautiful children will fill her life with happy solicitations.

To see an idle loom, denotes a sulky and stubborn person, who will cause you much anxious care.

Lord's Prayer .

To dream of repeating the Lord's Prayer, foretells that you are threatened with secret foes and will need the alliance and the support of friends to tide you over difficulties.

To hear others repeat it, denotes the danger of some friend.

Lottery .

To dream of a lottery, and that you are taking great interest in the drawing, you will engage in some worthless enterprise, which will cause you to make an unpropitious journey. If you hold the lucky number, you will gain in a speculation which will perplex and give you much anxiety.

To see others winning in a lottery, denotes convivialities and amusements, bringing many friends together.

If you lose in a lottery, you will be the victim of designing persons. Gloomy depressions in your affairs will result.

For a young woman to dream of a lottery in any way, denotes that her careless way of doing things will bring her disappointment, and a husband who will not be altogether reliable or constant.

To dream of a lottery, denotes you will have unfavorable friendships in business. Your love affairs will produce temporary pleasure.

Louse .[116]

To dream of a louse, foretells that you will have uneasy feelings regarding your health, and an enemy will give you exasperating vexation.

[116] See Lice.

Love .

To dream of loving any object, denotes satisfaction with your present environments.

To dream that the love of others fills you with happy forebodings, successful affairs will give you contentment and freedom from the anxious cares of life. If you find that your love fails, or is not reciprocated, you will become despondent over some conflicting question arising in your mind as to whether it is best to change your mode of living or to marry and trust fortune for the future advancement of your state.

For a husband or wife to dream that their companion is loving, foretells great happiness around the hearthstone, and bright children will contribute to the sunshine of the home.

To dream of the love of parents, foretells uprightness in character and a continual progress toward fortune and elevation.

The love of animals, indicates contentment with what you possess, though you may not think so. For a time, fortune will crown you.

Lovely .

Dreaming of lovely things, brings favor to all persons connected with you.

For a lover to dream that his sweetheart is lovely of person and character, foretells for him a speedy and favorable marriage.

If through the vista of dreams you see your own fair loveliness, fate bids you, with a gleaming light, awake to happiness.

Lozenges .

To dream of lozenges, foretells success in small matters. For a woman to eat or throw them away, foretells her life will be harassed by little spites from the envious.

Lucky .

To dream of being lucky, is highly favorable to the dreamer. Fulfilment of wishes may be expected and pleasant duties will devolve upon you.

To the despondent, this dream forebodes an uplifting and a renewal of prosperity.

Luggage .

To dream of luggage, denotes unpleasant cares. You will be encumbered with people who will prove distasteful to you.

If you are carrying your own luggage, you will be so full of your own distresses that you will be blinded to the sorrows of others.

To lose your luggage, denotes some unfortunate speculation or family dissensions To the unmarried, it foretells broken engagements.

Lumber .

To dream of lumber, denotes many difficult tasks and but little remuneration or pleasure.

To see piles of lumber burning, indicates profit from an unexpected source.

To dream of sawing lumber, denotes unwise transactions and unhappiness.

Lute .

To dream of playing on one, is auspicious of joyful news from absent friends.

Pleasant occupations follow the dreaming of hearing the music of a lute.

Luxury .

To dream that you are surrounded by luxury, indicates much wealth, but dissipation and love of self will reduce your income.

For a poor woman to dream that she enjoys much luxury, denotes an early change in her circumstances.

Lying .

To dream that you are lying to escape punishment, denotes that you will act dishonorably towards some innocent person.

Lying to protect a friend from undeserved chastisement, denotes that you will have many unjust criticisms passed upon your conduct, but you will rise above them and enjoy prominence.

To hear others lying, denotes that they are seeking to entrap you. Lynx.

To dream of seeing a lynx, enemies are undermining your business and disrupting your home affairs. For a woman, this dream indicates that she has a wary woman rivaling her in the affections of her lover. If she kills the lynx, she will overcome her rival.

Lyre .

To dream of listening to the music of a lyre, foretells chaste pleasures and congenial companionship. Business will run smoothly.

For a young woman to dream of playing on one, denotes that she will enjoy the undivided affection of a worthy man.


`` And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to his interpretation of his dream, the butler and the baker of the King of Egypt, which were bound in the prison .''-- Gen. xl., 5.

Macadamize .

To dream that you see or travel on a macadamized road, is significant of pleasant journeys, from which you will derive much benefit. For young people, this dream foretells noble aspirations.

Macaroni .

To dream of eating macaroni, denotes small losses. To see it in large quantities, denotes that you will save money by the strictest economy. For a young woman, this dream means that a stranger will enter her life.

Machinery .

To dream of machinery, denotes you will undertake some project which will give great anxiety, but which will finally result in good for you.

To see old machinery, foretells enemies will overcome in your strivings to build up your fortune. To become entangled in machinery, foretells loss in your business, and much unhappiness will follow.

Loss from bad deals generally follows this dream.

Mad Dog .[117]

To dream of seeing a mad dog, denotes that enemies will make scurrilous attacks upon you and your friends, but if you succeed in killing the dog, you will overcome adverse opinions and prosper greatly in a financial way.

[117] See Dog.

Madness .

To dream of being mad, shows trouble ahead for the dreamer. Sickness, by which you will lose property, is threatened.

To see others suffering under this malady, denotes inconstancy of friends and gloomy ending of bright expectations.

For a young woman to dream of madness, foretells disappointment in marriage and wealth.

Madstone .

To see a madstone applied to a wound from the fangs of some mad animal, denotes that you will endeavor, to the limits of your energy, to shield self from the machinations of enemies, which will soon envelop you with the pall of dishonorable defeat.

Magic .

To dream of accomplishing any design by magic, indicates pleasant surprises.

To see others practising this art, denotes profitable changes to all who have this dream.

To dream of seeing a magician, denotes much interesting travel to those concerned in the advancement of higher education, and profitable returns to the mercenary.

Magic here should not be confounded with sorcery or spiritism. If the reader so interprets, he may expect the opposite to what is here forecast to follow. True magic is the study of the higher truths of Nature.

Magistrate .[118]

To dream of a magistrate, foretells that you will be harassed with threats of law suits and losses in your business.

[118] See Judge and Jury.

Magnet .

To dream of a magnet, denotes that evil influences will draw you from the path of honor. A woman is probably luring you to ruin.

To a woman, this dream foretells that protection and wealth will be showered upon her.