Make a maze onlineCreate a path by clicking on any mid-blue square, which will turn it white.If you make a mistake, click on the same square to change it back to white. Any original white or dark blue squares are permanent and can't be changed. Choose a start, for example in the middle of one side. Then choose an end, either on the opposite edge, or in the centre. Make a long, wiggly white path from the start to the end. Then join all remaining white squares to the main path to make lots of dead ends. This makes a branching maze. You can have more than one path from the start to the end. This is an island maze. You can also have a single path from start to end covering every white square, without any choices at all. This is called a unicursal maze. It is difficult to design! For more on unicursal mazes (which are the oldest type of maze), click here. More on designing mazes Other websites about mazes |
© Jo Edkins 2004