


Emperor's Clothes Articles on 9-11

'Guilty for 9-11, Part I' was the first article to document the charge that the US Air Force was made to stand down on 9-11. The research in this and other EC articles on 9-11 has been used around the world, though not always with proper attribution. Emperor's Clothes will soon publish Editor Jared Israel's book, 'Who did it? Solving the mystery of 9-11.' This book builds on the research published by Emperor's Clothes, dealing with new issues and putting 9-11 in a global perspective.

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-- John Flaherty Emperor's Clothes


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**Table of Contents**

(1) Evidence of high-level government complicity on  9-11.

(2) Interviews related to 9-11 & Afghanistan.

(3) Evidence Osama Bin Laden never severed ties with the CIA. Documentation of his involvement in NATO attacks on Afghanistan in the 1980s and the Balkans during the last decade.

(4) US/West European links to Islamic Fundamentalism.

(5) Evidence that "Strategic Racism" is the method of the US/Euro Empire.

(6) What is the US/Euro Strategy in Central Asia? Is it geared to immediate corporate profits or other interests? Is it "all about oil"? Or is this strategy based on an attempt to create a neocolonial New World Order in which a) powerful nations that could potentially resist the US/European Empire are broken up; b) the opposition to the New World Order is led by neo-fascists who foment and appeal to racism and c) fascistic junior partners rule various regions, with some of these fascists even posing as opponents of the empire?


1. Evidence of High-Level Government Complicity in the Events Of 9-11


A) Failure to scramble planes on 9-11, attempt cover up of this failure.

B) George Bush's behavior during visit to Booker School.

C) General overviews.

D) Technical references (maps, timetables).

E) Background & related information.


A. Failure to scramble planes


* 'Guilty for 9-11, Part 1: What Happened to the Air Force on September 11th?" by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel

Why didn't any planes scramble to defend Washington, D.C. until after the Pentagon was hit? 

* 'Guilty for 9-11, Part 2: Mr. Cheney's Cover Story' by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel

Vice President Cheney 's appearance on "Meet the Press," September 16th, 2001, during which he tried to cover up the failure to scramble planes on 9-11, only made things worse...

* 'More Evidence the Air Force Stood Down on 9-11,' by John Flaherty & Jared Israel


B. George Bush's behavior during visit to Booker School


* 'Guilty for 9-11, Part 3: Bush in the Open' by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel

George Bush's staff knew  and his staff knew a terrorist attack was underway *before* their motorcade left their hotel (the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort) why did he show up at the Booker School that day?

* "Bush Gets Tangled in his 9-11 Lies Part 1: A Strange White House Press Conference..." by Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White

* "Bush Gets Tangled in his 9-11 Lies 2: White House Cover-up Creates more Problems than it Solves" by Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White

* "The President as Incompetent Liar: Bush's Claim that he Saw TV Footage of 1st Plane Hitting WTC" by Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White

* 'George W. Bush Betrayed Consciousness of Guilt on 9-11,' by Francisco Gil-White and Jared Israel


Con 9-11. General overviews of officials' actions


* 'Criminal Negligence or Treason?' by Jared Israel in consultation with Emperor's Clothes writer Illarion Bykov and Canadian Attorney Tiphaine Dickson 

Commentary on a 'NY Times' article. This was the first article that we know of that pointed out the implications of the failure to mount an air defense on September 11

* Frequently Asked Questions on 9-11

Includes: 'FAQ #1 - Nobody was prepared for 9-11' and 'FAQ #2 - Dan Rather Discovers Planes *were* Scrambled After All! (This is a must read!)

* Canadian TV Airs Emperor's Clothes 'Guilty For 9-11' Evidence! by John Flaherty

* '9-ll: Ho-Hum, Nothing Urgent' by George Szamuely Research & documentation by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel

'Scrambled Messages' by George Szamuely 

'New York Press' article based on the 'Guilty for 9-11' Series.


D. Technical references (maps, timetables)


* 'Map & Timetable for American Airlines Flight 77'

* 'Map of Andrews Air Force Base'


E. Background & related information


* 'Operation Northwoods: Plan for Terror to Justify War'

We know about this plan through the Freedom of Information Act. How many such plans do we *not* know of?

It was developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The purpose: to stage phony anti-US terrorist attacks and blame them on Cuba. These plans allowed for the possibility of killing hundreds or even thousands of US citizens (by sinking a US military ship) and non-citizens (Cuban refugees). Then Castro would be blamed. This would make the US the victim and thus justify nuclear attack on the Socialist states (!)

We have posted the Northwoods document in full both as a pdf file and as regular web pages. We have also posted a commentary by Jared Israel with hyperlinks to the full text of Northwoods so you can see the context of the excerpts on which he is commenting.

* 'Reader Says Emperor's Clothes Wrong on bin Laden, 9-11'

A very interesting debate.

* 'Russian Air Force Chief Says Official 9-11 Story Impossible'

* '911: Letting It Happen' By Ken McCarthy

* "'Explosives Planted In Towers,' New Mexico Tech Expert Says"

Important Note: Since we re-posted this article from the 'Albuquerque Journal,' that newspaper has published a retraction. We have written some comments on the retraction and given the article a new title, 'In Curious Battle: An Expert Recants on Why WTC Collapsed.' It is posted at the original address,, with a link to the retraction.


2. Emperor's Clothes Interviews on 9-11, Afghanistan


* 'Interview with Manager at Huffman Aviation Casts Doubt on Official Story' Interview by Jared Israel

* 'Red Cross Spokesmen Refute Pentagon Lies' Interview by Jared Israel

* "What Really Happened on 9-11?" - The Transcript

New 15 June 2002. Text of Jared Israel Interviewed by Mark Haim on Radio

* "What Really Happened on 9-11?"

Audio File. Jared Israel interviewed by Mark Haim KOPN 89.5 FM Evening Edition * 2 April 2002 1st of 2 interviews To access this you need a computer with speakers. There *might* be problems with Netscape and AOL.


3. Evidence that Osama Bin Laden never severed ties with the CIA. Documentation of his Involvement in NATO attacks on Afghanistan in the 1980s and the Balkans during the past decade.


* "Gaping Holes in the 'CIA vs. bin Laden' Story" by Jared Israel

This article tears apart the claim that Osama bin Laden severed ties with the CIA and with the super rich bin Laden family. The article also includes the transcript of a BBC program in which the accusation is made that George Bush, Jr. suppressed FBI investigations of the bin Ladens.

* "'Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster.' Take Two!" by Jared Israel

Examines the too-convenient change in bin Laden's public stance shortly before and after the onset of U.S. bombing of Afghanistan. It argues that the present Empire is delighted to have critics who consider Islamic Fundamentalists and terrorists their heroes.

* 'Reader Says Emperor's Clothes Wrong on Bin Laden, 9-11'

A debate.

* 'Bushladen' by Jared Israel

Bush Sr. and the bin Ladens are partners in the 'defense' business. Truth is stranger than fiction.

* 'Bin Laden in the Balkans'

Mainstream news accounts of bin Laden's links to terrorist organizations (such as the Albanian terrorists who attacked Kosovo and Macedonia and Bosnian terrorists). These links are documented *after* bin Laden supposedly broke with the CIA. The terrorists organizations were and are sponsored by the US and NATO.

* 'Stranger than Fiction: NATO and the US Sponsor Terror in Kosovo and Macedonia' by Jared Israel

Evidence that the Balkans terrorists, referred to in the article above, are in fact linked to NATO and the US.

* 'Newspaper Articles Documenting U.S. Creation of Taliban and bin Laden's Terrorist Network'

* 'Osama bin Laden: Made in USA' by Jared Israel

* 'The Creation Called Osama' By Shamsul Islam Reprinted from 'The Hindu' (India)

* 'The CIA Allegedly Met Bin Laden in July' From 'Le Figaro'

* 'Transcript of BBC Report: "Has Someone Been Sitting on the FBI?"

* 'Bush-Bin Laden Connection Slammed by Judicial Watch'

* Information on Bushladen story: George Soros & James Baker are members of the Family, too. From the Baltimore Chronicle


4. US/West European Links To Islamic Fundamentalism


* 'Washington's Backing of Afghan Terrorists: Deliberate Policy' By Steve Coll, Reprinted from Washington Post, 19 July 1992

New! 22 April 2002 * 'Dutch Report: US Sponsored Foreign Islamic Fundamentalists in Bosnia' By Richard J Aldrich Comments by Jared Israel

New! 9 April 2002 * 'Bush & the Media Cover Up the Jihad Schoolbook Scandal' By Jared Israel

If the US is in Central Asia to fight Islamic fundamentalist terror, how come the US is shipping millions of Islamic fundamentalist textbooks into Afghanistan?

* 'The ABC'S of Jihad in Afghanistan* Courtesy, USA' By Joe Stephens and David B. Ottaway

Source of above article. Washington Post reports the US has shipped 4 million radical Islamist textbooks into Afghanistan for the school kids.

* 'Nothing is Forever'

Croatian newspaper interview with then US Ambassador to Yugoslavia, Warren Zimmerman with comments by Jared Israel. Amb. Zimmerman is revealed supporting Islamic Fundamentalism.

New! 2 June 2002 * 'A Conversation with Ambassador Borislav Milosevic, Slobodan's Brother'

Conversation between Borislav Milosevic and Emperor's Clothes editor Jared Israel. Covers many topics including Mr. Israel's theory that the US/Euro Empire uses Islamism both to attack and control various populations, and also as an acceptable opponent.


5. The day-to-day actions of the NATO empire show that racism is a key part of its modus operandi


One of the problems Western citizens have understanding the US/Euro Empire's plans for the former Soviet Union and other areas (e.g., India) is that they know little about the assault on Yugoslavia.

It is especially true that most people in the West don't grasp this Empire's commitment to what might be called *Strategic Racism*.

*Strategic Racism*, or to be more accurate, *Geo-strategic racism*, involves the devastation of populations which are now resisting, or, based on their culture and history, are expected to resist Imperial domination. These are the *target* populations. Target populations may have been - but were not necessarily - on the "other side" during the cold war. (It's not that simple.)

Simultaneously, *Strategic Racism* involves the strengthening of fascistic forces among populations which have allied with Imperial aggression (for example, with the Ottoman Empire or Hitler) in the past and/or who have had, in the past, oppressor relations with the targets. These are the *proxies*. Perhaps they have dominated the target populations in the past and therefore view the target people as inferior, only suitable to be slaves.

The new Empire leverages the social-cultural vulnerabilities of proxy groups, helping the most racist political forces among them. With these racists in control, the proxy groups can be used as foot soldiers in the war against target peoples and the consolidation of Imperial power in geo-strategic areas. Perhaps the most important such area is in and around the former Soviet Union, including the Balkans, the Baltic region, and Central and Southern Asia. This area is crucial for the eminently practical reason that it still contains an organized military force that can, especially in concert with others in the region, resist the empire - and because it was the center of resistance, despite many weaknesses, in the past.

Geo-strategic racism involves the promulgation of potentially powerful hatreds, such as Serbophobia in the Balkans and other parts of Europe, and anti-Semitism worldwide. (In the past, Emperor's Clothes has underestimated the significance of anti-Semitism as a tool for our current Empire builders, and has written little about how it is being promulgated. However, that will be corrected in forthcoming articles. These will include a thorough analysis of the role of Elie Wiesel in the trial of Ms. Pavsic at The Hague Tribunal; an analysis of the Saudi Minister of Interior, Prince Naif's anti-Semitic remarks made December 5th and the response to those remarks, amounting to approval, by the Bush administration; and an analysis of the attack by a leading Saudi Arabian newspaper, controlled by that country's secret police, on Emperor's Clothes.)

Evidence of *Geo-strategic racism* can be found in US and European actions throughout the former Yugoslavia. The following interviews and analyses point to bizarre, vicious and racist behavior by NATO, even though NATO professed to be pursuing multiethnic harmony! Our hypothesis - that NATO uses *strategic racism* to consolidate control over key strategic areas - explains this behavior. Are we wrong? Is there some other explanation?

Why have the US *AND* Western Europe re-created the Nazi map in the Balkans?

* "The Terrorists Attacking Macedonia Are Nato Troops, Not Rebels" by Jared Israel with research by Rick Rozoff, George Thompson and Max Sinclair

Many critics of NATO argue that it is motivated by short-term economic concerns - profits for various big companies. Usually these are oil companies. This argument falls flat in considering Macedonia. Before and during the war of aggression against Yugoslavia, the Macedonian government proved itself 100% ready to cooperate with anything the West proposed - anything. It certainly would not have resisted commercial ventures.

And yet, NATO deployed the fascist Kosovo terrorists, which had been regrouped as an official UN organization (this sounds unbelievable, but it is openly admitted in the pro-NATO media) to devastate Macedonia. Why?

The Following Interviews with Three Women from Orahovac are Must Reading if we Would Know the Truth * 'NATO Brought Hell To A Town In Kosovo- Why?' by Jared Israel 

In the summer of 1999 NATO (and its Kosovo Liberation Army) took over Orahovac in Kosovo. The local Serbs and 'Gypsies' wanted to cooperate. Why did NATO, under German/Dutch command, install a reign of terror? Three women describe what happened. What is your explanation?

* 'Stranger than Fiction: NATO and the US Sponsor Terror in Kosovo and Macedonia' by Jared Israel 

Evidence that Albanian terrorists in the Balkans are in fact linked to NATO and the US.

* 'Women of Orahovac Answer the Colonel'

The Dutch NATO colonel in charge of creating the nightmare in the Kosovo town of Orahovac presents NATO's side. Three women from Orahovac answer. Whom do you believe? And if these women are telling the truth, what does it mean?

* 'Driven from Kosovo'

An interview with Cedomir Prlincevic, the Jewish leader expelled from Pristina (Kosovo) by the KLA and NATO. In this, the first of two interviews with Mr. Prlincevic, it is clear that he wishes to avoid saying anything harsh about NATO. So it's all the more revealing when he finally blurts out the truth.

* "Why Albanians Fled Kosovo during NATO Bombing 'The truth about what happened...'" Interview with Cedomir Prlincevic Interviewer Jared Israel Translator Petar Makara 

This is our second interview with Cedomir Prlincevic. Mr. Prlincevic was the Chief Archivist in Pristina, Kosovo, before being driven out by the KLA with British NATO approval during the summer of 1999. (See interview above) This is perhaps *the* crucial document for understanding both what happened in Kosovo and *strategic racism*.

Mr. Prlincevic explains how NATO took advantage of unusual aspects of Kosovo Albanian culture to turn this group into a proxy force in attacking the Balkans. The interview explains the function of the so-called Kosovo Verification Mission, the reason the attempt by the Milosevic government to arm Albanians against the KLA terrorists failed, and who it was that ordered Albanians to flee during the NATO bombing. It was *not* Mr. Milosevic. Regarding the issues raised in this interview, officials in the Milosevic government were - and remain! - loath to discuss them publicly due to an admirable but perhaps overly dogmatic refusal to even appear to criticize any ethnic group. The interview is must reading if one would understand how strategic racism is applied in practice by the New World Order.


6. What is the US/European Strategy in Central Asia? Is it really "all about oil"?


Is it geared to immediate corporate profits or other interests? *Or* is it based on an attempt to create a neocolonial New World Order in which a) powerful blocks potentially able to resist the US Empire are broken up; b) the opposition to the New World Order is led by neo-fascists who foment and appeal to racism and c) fascistic junior partners rule various regions, with some such fascists having the public posture of opposing the empire. In other words, dystopia.

* 'Why Washington Wants Afghanistan' by Jared Israel, Rick Rozoff & Nico Varkevisser

New! 13 May 2002 * "U.S. Won't Abandon Central Asia... Central Asians, Be Warned..." Concerning the U.S. Senate Testimony of Undersecretary of State Elizabeth Jones with Comments by Jared Israel

New! 17 May 2002 * 'The Empire Isn't In Afghanistan For The Oil!" By Jared Israel

New! 9 July 2002 * "Reply To A Reader: Why We Say Us Encirclement Of Russia Risks Nuclear War!"

New! 3 July 2002 * "Brzezinski And Zalmay's Excellent Afghan Pro-Terrorist Propaganda Adventure" By Jared Israel

* 'NATO Buildup in the Balkans: Part of a Deadly Game' by Jared Israel

* 'Washington Plots, Moscow Crawls, Kabul Burns' by Jared Israel

Ex- National Security Chief Brzezinski admits: * 'Afghan War & Islamism Were Made in Washington' Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser

* What's the Target of the U.S. Move into Central Asia? Two news reports look at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which includes Russia, China and the Central Asian former Soviet Republics.

* Afghan Operation Leaves Russia 'Encircled' by US-NATO by Sergey Ptichkin and Aleksey Chichkin

"The Georgia We [Russians] Have Lost..." * The Pentagon is not rushing to the Transcaucasus, it's Already There By Vasily Streltsov Reprinted from Nezavisimaya Gazeta [Russia]

* 'US Military Pushes into Georgia under Guise of Fighting Terror' by Rick Rozoff

How shall we label Washington's claim that it's only sending the Special Forces into Georgia to help fight terror? Brazen hypocrisy? Monumental chutzpah? Anyway you choose, it's a lie. (This analysis is a comment on the article from Nezavisimaya Gazeta, posted above.)

* 'Bush's Press Conference: Into the Abyss' by Rick Rozoff

* 'Congressman: U.S. Set up Anti-Taliban to be Slaughtered'

Excerpts from a most revealing hearing with comments by Jared Israel. For full text of hearings go to:

* 'Washington: Parent of the Taliban and of Colombian Death Squads' By Jared Israel

* 'Death on a Very Small Planet'

Photo montage of tragedy in Belgrade and New York City. Dedicated to the innocent.

* 'U.S. Military Schemes: Ominously Like 9-11'

* 'US Army Gets Secret Advice from Hollywood'

* 'Washington's Pakistani Allies: Drug Dealers, Killers' By Rahul Bedi in New Delhi Reprinted from Sydney Morning Herald